Alison Wisnom, REALTOR®

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I'm Not Giving You a Pie. Four Things Realtors Should Just Quit

What’s Done: Giving Away Pies at Thanksgiving

Okay. Why am I so mad at the pie? You’re right. Everyone loves pie. Especially free pie and especially around the holidays when we give ourselves free rein over pie. Whoever came up with the idea of giving your clients a $6 Costco pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving was truly a marketing genius. In fact, this really lovely mortgage lender I know was the first person to ever offer me one and I still think fondly of her.

So what’s the problem? Everyone knows about it. It’s sweet, but it’s over, like Millennial Pink or inspiring word art wall decals. They’re nice enough on the face of it, but every time I see them in a home, I get a little nauseous.

But I am going to give this agent, @kentislandkathy a pass. These pies look AMAZING! And she supported a small, local baker. So, bonus points to Kathy.

What’s Next:

If you still want to give thanks to clients at Thanksgiving, how about this delicious Holiday Jam from Stonewall Kitchen with a loaf of bread from a local bakery? Maybe attach a note about “spreading cheer” or “you’re my jam” if you like #dadjokes. And you know I do.

What’s Done: “I’m Never Too Busy For Your Referrals”

Well, you should be. There are a lot of things in life that should take precedence over picking up the phone for a referral. Aside from being dishonest, it’s a trite, oddly tacked-on phrase. It lingers at the bottom of e-mail signatures, hangs out in the footers of websites, and occasionally pops up in a text message. Sometimes it even has inexplicable quotation marks around it, like the great Mark Twain wove it into a tale 100 years ago. It’s as though we’ve just had this meaty negotiation discussion in the main e-mail body and then you gaze into the distance and say “I like cake.” Okay then.

What’s Next:

Take a few moments to teach your clients how to refer business to you. Hand write a card, or even send a mass email explaining how important referrals are to Realtors®, and how much you appreciate meeting new clients this way. Tell an amusing story about clients you met by referral. Explain how you find Realtors® in other locations for people. Talk about your service and the value you add in a way that makes people WANT to remember to send business your way. And give clear instructions on the mechanism by which you would like to receive a referral and the information you need to get started.

What’s Done: “Who Do You Know That Wants to Buy or Sell a Property?”

It’s like an interrogation strategy. What an awkward sentence! We have to say “buy or sell” because what if they forget we do both? We have to say “property,” even though people don’t think of their homes in that term, because what if it’s an investor or a parcel of land? We’re so scared of missing out we stumble through this question like we’ve got a mouthful of marbles or paste it haphazardly onto our e-mail signatures.

What’s Next:

Go back to being old school. Dial for dollars and make your 20 calls per day. If you really expect your clients to rack their brains for the name of an associate they can rat out, at least pick up the phone and ask about their family or hobbies first.

What’s Done: This 90’s lookin’ clip art logo.

The Comic Sans of Logos

Are you a real estate company, a roofer, a home inspector, a general contractor, a siding company? All of them use this logo.

What’s Next:

If you’re starting your own company, spend the money on a pro. If you’re an agent who wants to separate from your brokerage brand, consider if you’re with the right brokerage. If you’re not getting value out of that brand, what is it costing you? Most reputable brokerages have in-house design and marketing assistance to help their agents present themselves well in a way that compliments the brokerage brand.

What else needs to go? Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments!